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Cloudfunding Insurance

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  Insurance can now be 'affordable', globally

Cloudfunding is able to provide the affordability of insurance for all types of needs while ensuring healthy competition within the Insurance Industry.

The broad types of policies covering anything from health to boats to life insurance can be sold with Outsourced Selling.

The Platform provide the environment where consumers are able to bid and buy specific insurance policies that Insurance Companies list to compete for.

Policies can be processed with Outsourced Selling using the Global Crowd and then have standard policies available to local communities within a region or even a city at 20% Buying Prices of the full Selling Prices  

-  Insurance Brokers can use the option to apply the Price Demand to ensure fair competition with their consumer market.

Industry Standard insurance policies can be processed and made available to selected regional insurance brokers and companies that can buy from the Platform's Seller's Marketplace, then release the policies to their local consumer markets.

Buying from the Seller's Marketplace gives the Insurance Companies or their Brokers an opportunity buy standard policy deals in bulk and release them to local clients,

-  these policies can be held for 30 days during which time customers can claim a policy while they get advice or the cool-off period.

-  Standard policies can be for home, health, travel, car, boat, employment, any insurance that can be sold with set Selling Price.

Many standard policies that can be offered by the Insurance Industry would be transparent to the global community to see, bringing the industry into a new light with the consumers, giving customers the confidence in what they are buying 

Long term strategy

With any insurance being based only on a bet against an outcome, the cost for any consumer to be fully covered, even for the basic cover, can be beyond affordability, so for the consumer to have affordable insurance deals at 20% of the normal costs, can only be a great outcome for both parties.

It provides the Insurance Industry with a whole new strategy in getting exposure and demand for their products, which can help provide the Insurance Industry with a sustainable future, and happy customers.

With high unexpected loses coming at any time, whether it's associated with climate change or just accidents, the costs are a delicate balance of affordability in most communities, therefore providing more affordable policy costs can only help get a balance between better profits for the Insurance Companies and better claim experiences for their customers.

Positive outcomes reflect well for all businesses and the Insurance Industry is no exception when it comes down to 'positive claim experiences' for customers.

For any bad actors, as in all industries, there can be consequences that can have a major impact on reputation when social media is so easily available.

The Platform operates only as the distribution channel between the Insurance Industry, including Brokers, and the Consumers.

Customer Acquisition

Insurance Companies and Brokers have a lot of attrition with their customer base, so the Queen Bee Project, which is a customer acquisition and loyalty program, could prove to be the ideal tool to bring more stability to a business, it can start off initially as an incentive to get new and existing clients into gaining from buying lower priced policies but the Seller gains the long tail benefits.


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Check out a Deal Registration and Cloudfund Strategy

See a Snap-Shot view of a Cloudfund strategy and bidding for Deals

Cloudfunding generates Price Demand  -  digitizes 'cash' to flow ubiquitously around the world

What's The Monetizing Moment?

Cloud Commerce operates by Outsourcing the Selling to the Crowd by Cloudfunding

How Sellers Outsource their Selling to the Crowd?

QwickP2P   'Pay it Forward, Now!' completes the sales activity for sellers!

As UDC is validated and exchanged in the Digital Economy it permeates out into local economies!

see the connection of players that help achieve 'Productivity' :   Global Cloud Productivity

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