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DeCom Markets      FOMEZ      GPEUN      LED - Local Economic Distribution Hubs      Economic Engine      Price Demand      Cloudfunding Main Street      Supply Chains     
Cloudfunding Main Street


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Local Media    Global Market    Global Productivity Market
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Local Media    Locations           Global Productivity Market
Local Media    QwickFill           QUIK-Stay
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                  Sellers Exchange

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Local Media    ComTechX

Local Media    New Economy

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Local Media    SME Cloudfunding

Local Media    Local Media      Local Media


    -   Seller Co-Ops
    -   Buyer Co-Ops

   Queen Bee
What are LED Hubs?

Local Economic Distribution Hubs are b&m outlets where products are distributed more economically between sellers and buyers.

Sellers and Buyers can form Co-Operatives to help establish Local Economic Distribution Hubs to service local communities.

              Cloudfunding outsources the selling of local products and services on a global scale

                            -  giving jobs to the world, and saving local economies!

Cloudfunding is central to all the products and services sold by sellers to local buyers  -  and combining distribution hubs and FastFill outlets offers the ideal local economic advantage for everyone.

Cloudfunding has RingLink technology that can open up new trading routes and tap into local economies and allow the ubiquitous flow of buying and selling across economy to economy  -  forming a new level of global offline to online commerce in e2eCommerce.

Cloudfunding merges Outsourcing Selling and Price Demand with Online and Offline commerce to sell fuel and all types of products and services for local sellers for as low as 20% of local prices, that's 80% discount off the seller's full retail prices, every day of the year,

-  any commercial outlet can be established as local 'go to hubs', operated by locals for local buyers and sellers  -  sellers have Price Demand to also compete with other sellers for supplies at the prices they want to pay ( whatever price the sellers pays, the value is allocated back when the product or service is sold to their buyers ).


Outsourcing + Crowdsourcing + Cloudfunding = Cloud Commerce  ( collective of individuals who network to benefit everyone )

It all begins here  -  '. . for the first time in history people in 'isolated local economies' can now join global commerce!'

It can scale effortlessly from local farmer markets to big box stores across a borderless global digital economy.

The FastFill outlets are an example of how the dynamics of the Platform will disrupt how products are sold and how industries will change their methods of manufacturing and distribution.

In a world that has been capable of applying technology to overcome many obstacles, it still hasn't solved how to change global commerce and manufacturing from exploiting the many masses in weaker economies  -  for centuries this activity has disguised itself as global commerce!

The Platform changes how Selling works!

Sellers have a new home!

It's Touch Down Time!

Cloudfunding moves into Main Street!

Where, Construction and Costs?

Direct Local Backing

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