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Cloudfunding Main Street


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   Queen Bee
What the LED Hub Platform does!

The Platform changes how Selling works!

Sellers have a new home!

It's Touch Down Time!

Cloudfunding moves into Main Street!

Along with the FastFill Outlets the Platform is ready to open up Cloudfunding to a much bigger audience by basically tipping Commerce on its head by challenging it's dynamics.

The Platform is 'opening up' local commerce using Cloudfunding to generate activity on a large scale by changing how the funds flow.

There are several actions that combine to make this happen, there is Cloudfunding that operates as the front-end and Global Cloud Productivity that operates as the back-end mechanics joining it all together:

                        ( Outsourcing + Crowdsourcing + Cloudfunding = Cloud Commerce )

What the Platform does is reverses the way Crowdfunding normally gets the Crowd to fund a project and instead provides the way for the Crowd to be funded, and with those funds the Crowd begins to stimulate local economies around the world.

Looks are always good

The FastFill outlets are designed to be universal in look, layout and functionality so wherever someone goes they will be sure to know how it looks and how it operates  -  centrally connected using a mobile phone with its Wallet to complete any action  -  even if you forget your phone you can still collect the Deal with the simple live-profile recognition process.

The number of outlets can be one or more in a city, operating like the old local corner store for the convenience of the local neighborhood, but unlike in previous times when the corner store got swept away by supermarkets who could buy low and sell low, the FastFill outlets are connected to a bigger buying power, the Platform's Global Cloud Productivity.

This time the shoe is on the other foot because the FastFill outlets use a unique selling process that's part of the Platform's Outsourcing model  -  that's not to say that big commerce can't use the Platform too, they can but the lower prices will be much closer between the corner store and the bigger groups,

-  and that opens up to the bigger part of the Platform where the producers and manufacturers are also able to sell to the retailers using the Platform's autonomous DOME environment,           - bringing an open market to the game!

We will encourage other businesses in the same cities where the FastFill outlets get built to also use the Platform's selling process, there's no problem even for other fuel outlets to join in,

-  more activity generates a better local economy for everyone

Where, Construction and Costs?

Direct Local Backing

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